16/9 - Horizontal dynamic Accumulation

Many primary packed products have creative designs. This can be either for functional or aesthetic reasons. Unfortunately, in this stage, before getting bundled in easy-to-transport containers (such as cartons), these products are often difficult to move through the line, especially for machines that have to manipulate or touch the product.
Project details:
- Horizontal Dynamic AccuVeyor AVL
- Non-Touching and Fi-Fo Accumulation
- Increasing efficiency and reducing waste
One of our customers who produce incontinence material had previously installed a Fi-Lo (First in, Last out) accumulation system between the bag and the carton packer. One of the reasons for this was to increase the efficiency of the bag packing machine. Having an accumulator before the carton packer ensured that the bag packer could keep on producing in case of an interruption, keeping efficiency high.
The issue with the existing accumulator was that it had to touch the product in order to accumulate. This presented issues as the products were only packed in a thin plastic layer, which meant that grabbing the items could damage them. Or even worse, cause misoriented products which increased risks of jams and complete line-stops.
What the customer needed was a dynamic accumulator that doesn't touch the product. The AmbaFlex AccuVeyor AVL is such an accumulator. It consists of two u-shaped conveyor segments on the top and two return belt segments underneath. The top U-shape is the effective accumulator and conveys the product from the entrance to the exit. The second one underneath is used to store any unused conveyor belt. When accumulating, the U-shaped segment moves along the track and with it increases or reduces the accumulation length, just like a trombone.
Watch the video about the AmbaFlex AVL.
This means the products all have their own place on the belt until they leave the accumulator, no need for manipulators as the belt itself extends and retracts. This way, the AmbaFlex AccuVeyor AVL ensured a flawless operation and increased efficiency for the end-user.
AmbaFlex, elevating customers to greater heights!