21/8 - Patentcase; Shanghai Cabax Engineering Co.

AmbaFlex has been the global leader in spiral conveying technology for over 20 years. We’ve spent these years heavily investing in research and development to be able to deliver to our customers the best possible solutions for the material handling industry. During this period, various companies around the world have tried to emulate our achievements by copying our patented technology and sell it as their own. AmbaFlex has always successfully defended against these infringements in Europe, Amerika as well as in China.
One of these cases was back in 2009 when AmbaFlex won the infringement case involving a direct copy made by our former reseller Shanghai Cabax Engineering Co. The People’s court of China ordered Cabax to stop the unlawful production of these machines and was sentenced to pay a substantial fee to compensate AmbaFlex for economic losses and right-maintaining expenses.
Even though the court order was clear and the fee was paid we recently discovered that the Cabax company is most likely still producing and selling the patent-infringing machines to their customers, although this time under a different name, hoping to avoid detection. In response to these findings, we are currently preparing a new lawsuit in order to halt them a second, and hopefully, final time.
We at AmbaFlex diligently defend our patents to protect not only the livelihood of our employees around the world but also to protect our customers from getting poorly made copies.
More than once AmbaFlex waived the penalties for end-users who unknowingly bought these machines in good faith and got stuck with severe production issues as a result from these faulty copies. In some cases, AmbaFlex even offered to repair the machines or replace them for a relatively small price.
We are confident that our patents are well protected in China and are positive in the outcome of our ongoing cases. Since our entry into the Chinese market, we are pleased to say we have always experienced excellent cooperation from the Chinese government and legal system.
Thanks to our new regional factory and offices in China, where we employ many Chinese workers and staff, we have been able to help hundreds of local businesses already with clever and reliable solutions and look forward to helping many more in the years to come.