8/4 - Remote FAT – Closing the distance

A Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) aims to evaluate and test the functionality of the spiral conveyors we deliver. Usually, customers like to be present during these FATs but, with the continued global travel restrictions customers are unable to join the tests. To ensure we can still offer the best possible experience and cooperation during the tests, we developed a high-quality Remote FAT setting.
Remote testing isn't something new but is usually done through a simple video call or a single action-cam stream. The customer has to voice his requests through the phone, which the recipient then has to follow up on. This process is often plagued by miscommunication, which can lead to an unsatisfying test.
To avoid these pitfalls and offer a premium testing experience, AmbaFlex invested in a high-quality Remote FAT setup. By coupling multiple High Definition cameras placed at key positions and angles, we managed to offer our customers a multi-view conferencing tool.
Once logged in, they could instantly see all requested parts and efficiently communicate their questions to the AmbaFlex FAT team through video or chat.
After the successful test, our customers were more than satisfied, both with their purchase as with the remote FAT.
AmbaFlex, elevating customers to greater heights!