21/9 - Safety and accessibility

Most production lines are unique, especially in the primary packing market. With so many different kinds of products and ways that they are packaged, they all have a different set of necessary steps to follow. Combine that with layout constraints and other external factors that influence shape and size, they almost leave a fingerprint-like mark on the design.
The same goes for a project concerning an infant nutrition producer in The Netherlands. As far as intricate lines go, this is one straight out of the major leagues. These lines have many different steps, like filling, sealing, adding accessories, removing dust, sterilizing, adding a cap, and many more. Add space constraints and accessibility requirements into the mix, and it all becomes even more complicated.
Since there is no way to remove one or more steps, the only way to keep this manageable is by ensuring these operations can connect and flow without too much interference.
This is where the AmbaFlex Portal-ONE solutions come in. Two SpiralVeyors connected through a bridge conveyor, powered by only one drive and one belt. This portal solution opens up walkways and paths for engineers and forklifts to supply and maintain the machines. A spiral conveyors continuous flow will ensure the optimal throughput and keep the line efficiency at maximum levels. The unique one-belt solution also prevents having to add extra transfers that might disorientate or damage the product.
With two of these Portal-ONE solutions, this end-user managed to keep a very complex line manageable while keeping its accessibility and safety high.
AmbaFlex, elevating customers to greater heights!